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my brand-new forums!!
results of tests, etc.
gifty stuff!
some miscellaneous artwork
my ujournal: check here for updates into my life or long, involved spiels
other fun places to go

l33t m3
wang...lots of wang
fear the fangirl, for she is mighty
embrace change
magical girls!
my friend Dr. Ogami's comic (temporarily not working, sorry)
Yumpop!  Kawaii desu!

shounen ai...but sooo pretty!!

Link to me:
otakudom: for anime addicts everywhere bunny and slippers!


15 March 2003
First comic Previous comic

Jenna's Rant: 15 March 2003

‹‹start transmission›› Well, here's the new comic, only a week and a half late! Yeah! So, um, yeah...I think it's funny how everyone looks like maniacal twelve-year-old world leaders except for 25-year-old Sir Andelemere. Sir Andelemere looks freakin' cool. Really freakin' cool.--Jenna ‹‹end of transmission››

Email me at princessbura@yahoo.com


All drawings are copyright and the property of Jenna Vaughan unless noted otherwise. Otakudom is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.